The Strange and Bizarre Story of Robert Durst
In late 2000, a New York State police investigator reopened a long dormant probe into the disappearance of Kathie Durst, a medical student who vanished in 1982. Her friends long believed she was killed by her husband, Robert, the strange heir to a New York real estate fortune. Soon after learning of the new investigation, Durst fled to Texas and within nine months two people were murdered. His best friend, Susan Berman, was shot and killed in her Los Angeles home just before Christmas 2000. Morris Black, a drifter, was dismembered in Galveston in Setpember 2001. Matt Birkbeck covered the Durst case for People magazine and Reader's Digest and his definitive book on the Durst saga, A Deadly Secret, unveiled the behind-the-scenes drama of the Durst investigations - in 1982 and 2000-2003 - and produced new information that stunned law enforcement. Now in 2010, this true crime classic has a new chapter that draws Durst even closer to the murder of his best friend, and reveals new information that has terrified those close to him.